Friday, October 4, 2013

Wow, look how much I've done!

LAST parcel got posted off today (thanks, teenage daughter, for walking it up to the post box). Is that the last of the sale?

Umm, no.

I just mean the last of the September part of the sale.

Here's a visual:

Here's some empty boxes - there are a few "unsold" stamps in the bottom box. They will turn up again, don't worry.

Here's what's left to sell:


I still have three times the amount
I've already listed...

Oh well, better make a start on it!

If you have a look now, you'll see I've just listed the contents of the two boxes marked "Frames", and have made a start on the box marked "Hearts".

Forty things listed right now.  That's a special number - eBay lets me have forty listings free of listing fees each month. And honestly, since I'm favouring low prices, I really do have to stick to the free listings. From time to time, extra free listings get offered, and that's how I got to list so many last month. If it happens this month, well, I'll let you know!

Here's where to see the current listings.

And here's a sample - a set of six "ornate hearts", by PSX. Pretty, hey?

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