Sunday, September 16, 2012

Do we have PSX Botanical stamps?

When we discuss PSX rubber stamps, the topic of the botanical stamps usually comes up. Famous for their classic beauty, these particular stamps are highly sought after by crafters who didn't realise they wouldn't be in the shops forever.

Will we have any botanical stamps at the Great Southern Stamp Sale? Let's examine this new photo. Why yes, it looks like we will.

Will we have a lot, though?

I don't know, would you call this a lot? 'Cos we have more than these, these are just the ones that were on top.

Now I'm lucky, I already owned the Morning Glory stamp shown here (although mine has had  the writing cut off!). Here's how it looks if you give it a little colour. Pretty nice, eh?

See you at the stamp sale, 6 Mount St, 29 September!

1 comment:

  1. ok how do I get hold of these stamps seeing as I live in CAnberra? Happy to do direct deposit
    Bridget Larsen
